Recycled Crayons
It is back to school time once again, and you know what that means, new school supplies - Fresh notebooks, full bottles of glue, and best of all, new whole pointy crayons! But what do you do with the old broken bits of crayon that sit neglected in the shadow of the new crayons? You make crayon blobs.
Simply take your broken bits of crayon (paper labels removed), stick them in an oven safe mold, and melt them at 175 degrees Fahrenheit until they are well melted (about 30 minutes).
Helpful Tips:
- Use a mold that will not be used for food later, or line the mold with paper.
- Don’t be tempted to turn the temperature up, or leave them in too long, because the pigment will sink to the bottom of the mold.
- Small molds are easier for little hands. Try not to make your crayon blobs larger than will comfortably fit in a child’s hand.
If you want to be even greener, you could try putting your filled mold in a car on a very hot day. I know my car will get hot enough to melt crayons :)