Olive and Archie

Hillary Lang of Wee Wonderfuls designed these wonderful dolls I made for my kids this Christmas.  These are the Olive and Archie dolls.  The pattern for both dolls is only $15, and it comes with a number of patterns for accessories for the dolls.

I chose to make these dolls for a few reasons.  First, and most importantly, one of the dolls was a boy.  I looked for quite a while before finding a pattern for a normal looking boy pattern.  Most of the boys were elves, fairies, or the like, and this doll was just a normal boy.   The second reason was the doll accessories.  The accessory patterns are not typical of most doll patterns.  Instead, these dolls come with patterns for backpacks, sleeping bags, snow suits, and even a cat.

In the above picture the dolls are wearing winter outfits I made for them while the kids were sick after Christmas.  The kids were worried their dolls would be too cold to play outside after the kids got better.  Archie's sweater and hat were made with a felted wool sweater from the thrift store, and Olive's hoodie, skirt, and boots were made from a pair of pj's my daughter had outgrown.