
Welcome all of my blogger friends.  As you can see, http://gerwerken.blogspot.com has been replaced with this new, and I hope improved website. After much frustration with blogger, I finally decided to take the plunge and switch to wordpress.  I hope you enjoy the new website, and graphics.

Please bear with me while I learn the ropes of this new website.  While I do not understand all of the ins and outs of this new system, it seems very intuitive, and I should be humming along in no time.  Until that happens, please let me know if you are having any trouble with this site.  All of my old posts should be available, but I would like to know if you are having trouble finding anything.

In addition, the functionality of this site will change rapidly over the next few days and weeks.  I do not expect you to notice these changes, but if you do, again please bear with me.  It should all be running smoothly soon.