What does it mean to create a life well lived?
A well lived life is different for each of us. We all have different battles to fight, different goals to pursue, and different gifts to contribute to the world. However, I believe that there are also universals that all of us would consider part of a life well lived. I believe that we all want to find our purpose, to love what we do, to love and be loved, to be happy, to find peace and our place in the world, to make a positive impact, and to leave something wonderful behind when we die. I believe we all want to be able to look back on our lives and feel that we did not waste our precious little time on this Earth, but that we have truly lived.
For me, a life well lived is a life engaged in the pursuit of knowledge, constantly pushing myself and challenging my own preconceived notions, and finding truth. My area of interest centers around the home, and our lives within it. My purpose is sharing what I have learned with others, in the hope that we can all live well, and well informed.
Gerwerken Crafts is an informed, research based lifestyle blog, that covers topics like caring for your home, family, and health and wellness, without all the woo woo. I hope you enjoy the blog and it contributes to your own life well lived.